Richard Cranium
I really do not get all the hate the Jews get on this forum, could someone explain the logic behind it?
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Yeah, I know...
I really have no idea.
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Richard Cranium
purple drank in da house
Richard Cranium
Jokingly Lord_Mann lol.
What I don’t get is this hatred to every Jew.
Ok so i was just testing to make sure I still had an internet connection so i typed in the random letters "KJGH" in the search bar for firefox. Google’s first return link it no joke "Kill a Jew Go to Heaven" , I just had to edit this post as somewhat of a joke.
But I still am dying to understand the hatred towards the Jews.
What I don’t get is this hatred to every Jew.
Ok so i was just testing to make sure I still had an internet connection so i typed in the random letters "KJGH" in the search bar for firefox. Google’s first return link it no joke "Kill a Jew Go to Heaven" , I just had to edit this post as somewhat of a joke.
But I still am dying to understand the hatred towards the Jews.
Intel i7-2600K @ 4.6ghz
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antique farm machinery sold here
2% of the population effectively controls the other 98% by way of media. It influences every thought and action. That is why. These people dont give a damn about America, they have alliegance to their country only. America is just used as a babysitter for Israel.
Im not being agressive, im being dominant
Richard Cranium
If that is the case then why is it only FOX reports that Israel is doing well, why the other networks report crimes of humanity are being committed by Israel?
These 2% Jews are Liberals first Jews second, please explain?
And if “survival of the fittest” is the case, well as of now it looks like Jews are the fittest, if they are controling everyone?
These 2% Jews are Liberals first Jews second, please explain?
And if “survival of the fittest” is the case, well as of now it looks like Jews are the fittest, if they are controling everyone?
Intel i7-2600K @ 4.6ghz
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is way cooler with the lights off
people hate jews because they are the chosen people of god according to the bible and others cant handle it as far as on here anything to 08aissaic from me is just a joke because i dislike him as a person not a jew thats just the easiest way to get him mad
Ares! Destroy my enemies and my life is yours!"
purple drank in da house
For some reason right now it's the way to be that "conservatives" want to protect Israel. That is the confusing part beings that we are constantly watching over them, or as nighthawk says babysitting, and yet jews in the media give the right hell about every decision that is made. It's kind of a catch 22 because even if we do help them they're so oblivious to it that they still feel the need to criticize, they drag into crap in the middle east left and right. Due to our alliance they have complete control to all of the wars/violence/conflicts. So in my opinion we screwed ourselves when we made the alliance in the first place. To ease a lot of problems our government have or will have we should immediately stop our relations with Israel. This will help with a lot of our problems in the middle east.Lexon Avery wrote:If that is the case then why is it only FOX reports that Israel is doing well, why the other networks report crimes of humanity are being committed by Israel?

Richard Cranium
WE have yet to bomb Lebanon; we have yet to do anything about the situation but what? Oh pull 25,000 Americans out, well them and their families oh did I mention that 15,000 had dual citizenship? Why so maybe we just stop being the Free country we are and close off America to the rest of the world? Or why don’t we just leave the 25,000 ungrateful Americans (not including those there for business only, Unless you complained about how we got you out). Do either of those is as much justifiable as what you are saying. Why break an alliance with a Foreign Democracy/POWER? Besides standing for something, (which I hope America would start doing) they have done nothing but be themselves. For some reason you see that as grounds for removal, or ground for “Genocide.” Interesting fact, the ones being persecuted see themselves as being the same as those doing the persecution (on a racial level). Meanwhile the ones doing the persecution see it completely the other way around.
Come on give me something, why do you hate them? Here I’ll help a little with your last statement, you hate them because they control us. Wow what a social Darwinist you are. Ever think they control us because we are less fit to be in position of control. And the very same reason you hate welfare is the same reason you think we have a right not to be under them. Hey, if that is your feeling I am LMAO.
Come on give me something, why do you hate them? Here I’ll help a little with your last statement, you hate them because they control us. Wow what a social Darwinist you are. Ever think they control us because we are less fit to be in position of control. And the very same reason you hate welfare is the same reason you think we have a right not to be under them. Hey, if that is your feeling I am LMAO.
Intel i7-2600K @ 4.6ghz
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Lite Geek
nighthawk101 wrote: These people dont give a damn about America, they have alliegance to their country only.

Famous Jews who made huge contributions to America:
(these are just a few of the biggies......)
Albert Einstein (The most famous and influential scientist of all time)
Carl Sagan (astronomer and popular science author; made book and TV series 'Cosmos')
Edward Teller (Physicist, 'father of the hydrogen bomb')
Neils Borh (Nobel prize-winning Physicist: atomic structure)
Gregory Pincus (developed the first practical oral contraceptive pill)
Murray Gell-Mann (Nobel prize in physics 1969. Introduced 'quarks'.)
Jonas Salk (Developed the first polio vaccine)
Albert Sabin (Developed the improved live polio vaccine.)
Elie Metchnikoff (Nobel prize winner in Medicine, studied immunity in infectious diseases)
Leo Szilard (Physicist, proved the possiblily of a nuclear chain reaction in 1933.)
John Kemeny (Mathematician/Philosopher, co-inventor of the 'basic' computer language)
Emile Berliner (Inventor of the gramophone (record player) and the telephone microphone)
Paul Ehrlich (Nobel prize for descovering a treatment for syphilis)
J. Robert Oppenheimer (Nuclear physicist, head of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos)
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If anyone took the time to research Jewish contributions to American society, it's pretty impressive and hard to refute.
If these people weren't so creative or brilliant, we Americans would not be now enjoying the fruits of their developments in the areas of modern medicine or technology (just to name a few). Oh, yeah, and let's not forget that great classic of Jewish literature, the BIBLE.

Yeah, Jews should just pack up and go back to Israel, take their piddly contributions with them and leave us "Americans" alone, then we'd have no problems and go back to living in a 19th century existance. That's a great idea.....

Last edited by Art Vandelay on Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lite Geek
Fact: Hizbullah has been building an arsenal supplied by Iran and Syria for years now, deliberately, flagrantly ignoring UN resolutions forbidding it.Guess Who? wrote: Due to our alliance they have complete control to all of the wars/violence/conflicts. So in my opinion we screwed ourselves when we made the alliance in the first place. To ease a lot of problems our government have or will have we should immediately stop our relations with Israel. This will help with a lot of our problems in the middle east.
Fact: Hizbullah has been firing missiles into Israel without provocation from Israel, for years despite repeated UN resolutions that demanded that Hizbullah disarm. Israel fully complied with the UN resolutions in their withdrawl from Lebanon and did not occupy one square inch of the territory after the conflict. (Click here for Wikipedia info on that:
Fact: Hizbullah went into Israel and kidnapped two of Israeli soliders.
Fact: Hizbullah and Hamas uses innocent civilians to hide behind when they fire their rockets into Israel. By using human shields, it makes them appear to be victims when in reality they are resorting to the most barbaric tactics to achive their means.
Clearly Israel is not the instigator here. Militant, radical muslims DO NOT want peace. At one point in negotiations with Israel former PLO leader Arafat was offered every single concession he asked for for the sake of peace in the Middle East and he flatly refused and walked away from the bargaining table, preferring the bloody conflict to continue.
At Camp David Israel's then Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians more than anyone had offered them before. The offer included a Palestinian state and control over much of East Jerusalem including the Old City (minus the Jewish quarter - with the Temple Mount to be discussed). The Americans at the talks expressed surprise at the extent of the offer that Barak put on the table. Arafat and his negotiators rejected the offer. They did not put any alternative offers on the table. Since the talks broke down Arafat blamed everyone else but himself. He blamed the Americans and the Israelis but the reality is that Arafat chose to reject Barak's unprecedented offer and not to even present any alternatives. Arafat instead preferred to chose to ride the wave of extremist violence that ensued.
If the tables were turned and the Canadian army had crossed into the US, kidnapped two of our soliders, do you think Americans would stand for it? If Canada repeatedly fired rockets into American cities without provocation from the US, and targeting our civilians, do you think we would tolerate it? If Canada were being supplied with massive amounts of illegal weapons to continue their campaign of terror in the US despite UN warnings about doing such, should the US just sit idly by and do nothing??
Someone answer this for me: Should Americans not be allowed to defend ourselves in those cases?
Israel is defending itself much like any other country would if they were in similar circumstances. Israel has been more than patient in these past six years and have pretty much had enough of the crap from the extremist Muslims who are deliberately defying UN resolutions to achieve their own militant agenda.
Lite Geek
Guess Who? wrote:To ease a lot of problems our government have or will have we should immediately stop our relations with Israel. This will help with a lot of our problems in the middle east.
I don't think so....Iran has other things in mind.
This is from the Drudge Report:
WSJ: Scholar Warns Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22
Tue Aug 08 2006 10:22:35 ET
In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."
"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).
"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."
Richard Cranium
not the Drudge Report everyone run.
Agreed 100%, added bonus question Which foreign leader spent the most time in the white house under Clinton?
ARAFAT, I don’t know how that is important besides the fact that I hate Clinton.
Agreed 100%, added bonus question Which foreign leader spent the most time in the white house under Clinton?
ARAFAT, I don’t know how that is important besides the fact that I hate Clinton.
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